EU Data Protection Regulation


EU GDPR is entering into force

Now it is becoming serious: from May 25, 2018 onward, compliance with the EU General Data Protection…

VIEW Story Content is King


Did you know you're rich?

Hospitals in general and IT departments in particular are not known for having overflowing budgets.…

Conectathon 2018 VISUS Group


A successful IHE Connectathon for VISUS

When the top developers of all the leading healthcare IT companies gather under one roof, it can…

The agile scrum


The agile scrum

Software development is a fast-moving business, because good software is always being developed to…

JiveX Enterprise PACS – Variety and depth of functionality


What you should expect from your PACS system

In health IT, a bona fide religious war appears to have broken out, with all-rounders and…

JiveX 5 in iPad view


JiveX Mobile and JiveX Web – Access your data, anywhere, anytime

The rapid availability of information, regardless of your location, is indispensable for improving…

Tweesteden Ziekenhuis in Tilburg, the Netherlands


The connection for optimized care

As a hospital with a level 3 intensive care unit – the highest quality label of the Dutch intensive…

King Hamad University Hospital (KHUH) in Bahrai


More performance for better patient outcomes

King Hamad University Hospital (KHUH), opened in 2012, is the second largest public hospital in…

VISUS at the IHE-Connectathons


IHE Interoperability

Interoperability is defined at VISUS as key quality feature of JiveX products. Accordingly, the…

Klaus Kleber – VISUS


I am the owner of my data!

Every once in a while I need to say this sentence loud and clear to assure myself of its simple…