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KLAS Award 2024: Together for success

In 2024, JiveX Enterprise PACS has again been voted the best PACS in category DACH and recognized by…

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News · Press

SimplifAI your job – with JiveX 5.5

With our major release JiveX 5.5, we have significantly improved the reporting processes. The…

Secure products with threat modeling


Securing Products with Threat Modeling

The security of JiveX products is upheld through what we call Threat Modeling. To spread the…

Uniform proposals from Europe

Standard Echo

Uniform proposals from Europe

The more the medical care market is fragmented, the more important seamless exchange of medical…

VIEWofTwo - Column


ChatGPT in Medicine

Do I trust things like ChatGPT to be able to determine a diagnosis based on the symptoms I type in?…

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Standard Echo

The Dutch exit

The Dutch have left. They already stopped participating more than two years ago. And all parties…

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The role of radiology

The fact that the medical care landscape is facing profound changes has been known and sensed in…

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JiveX HCM at the Barmherzige Brüder Regensburg hospital

For a good two years, JiveX Healthcare Content Management (HCM) has been used as the digital archive…

St. Barbara Hospital in Gladbeck


RIS & PACS from a single source

[Translate to English:] Vor allem inhabergeführte radiologische Praxen stehen bei der Wahl eines…

Changes are daily business


Healthcare: Changes are a daily fact of life

Which opportunities and risks the actors in healthcare see in the current and planned changes depend…