Author RSS FeedPosts by author Sven Lüttmannen, 26 Apr 2024 13:33:06 +0200Secure communication with CIMKommunikation im Medizinwesen, kurz KIM, ist der Standard zum Austausch medizinischer Daten über die Telematikinfrastruktur (TI). Seit diesem Jahr ist der Einsatz von KIM für die Übermittlung des elektronischen Arztbriefs (eArztbrief) vergütungsrelevant und für die elektronischen Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung (eAU) verpflichtend. Viel interessanter für die täglichen Arbeitsroutinen im Gesundheitswesen sind allerdings die freiwilligen Anwendungen – wie das einfache Versenden von behandlungsrelevanten Informationen über Sektorengrenzen hinweg., 12 Oct 2021 15:20:52 +0200 or XDM: That’s the question here!Anyone who wants to take standardized paths when it comes to the transport of medical data cannot ignore the IHE profiles XDS and XDM. Both of these profiles have moved far ahead in the showcase of technological communication methods in the healthcare sector. This is good, but it begs the question of which profile should be used and when. What is important to know: IHE XDM and IHE XDS can be used alternatively or additively, but not substitutionally., 15 Dec 2020 10:20:00 +0100 should be done with images?When it comes to the structure, use, and success of national records such as the ePA in Germany, ELGA in Austria, or the EPD in Switzerland, one topic is generally given a wide berth: the handling of image data. In particular because of their immense data volume, they do not fit very well into the structure of the individual solutions. This article addresses three approaches to solutions for integrating image data in patient records which have, to some extent, already been tested in practice. The basis for all three is the IHE-XDS-I profile., 15 Dec 2020 10:18:00 +0100 IHE Connectathon: Bochum's Success in BrittanyFour days, eleven people, one goal: the Rennes (France) venue for this year's IHE Connectathon between April 8 and April 12, 2019. We were there, as usual, this year even with a full strength 'soccer team'., 24 May 2019 14:00:00 +0200