Posts of category: News

Sana Kliniken AG: Patient data pool  Made by VISUS


Sana Kliniken AG: Patient data pool Made by VISUS

Our long-standing customer, Sana Klinken AG, is expanding their partnership with us and in future…

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Everything for KLAS!

We’re getting closer and closer to the magic number 100 every year. This year, we scored 91.2 out of…

Seien Sie beim ECR 2022 dabei

Events · News

Vienna calling: See you at the ECR

There is one good thing about the coronavirus-induced congress shifting: this year, the European…

Gold vs. Gift

News · Stories

Data quality in research: Gold for one, poison for another

If anyone knows what quality data means, that is Prof. Dr. Carsten Oliver Schmidt. As the director…


News · Stories

The JiveX data trio: Digital, central, functional

Health institutions are not completely unprotected against the problem of bad data. They have…

Best in KLAS 2022


"Best in KLAS“ - even from a distance

VISUS is once again given top marks by users. While access to many services was limited during the…



Knowledge gives you an A —for Academy

What was only so-so for homeschooling during lockdowns has been perfected by VISUS for its in-house…

JiveX Status Monitoring


JiveX Status Monitoring Know what's running (and what's not)

With JiveX Status Monitoring, IT departments always have an overview of all JiveX-associated…

JiveX Product Development


JiveX Product Development: Something’s going on

In the software sector, transformation is the critical success factor. Systems that do not allow for…

Thomas Simon - Senior Vice President Clinical DE-CH at CGM


Bundling expertise between the Ruhr and the Rhine

With about 8,000 employees worldwide, CompuGroup Medical (CGM) combines a vast wealth of know-how…