Posts of category: News
Sana Kliniken AG: Patient data pool Made by VISUS
Our long-standing customer, Sana Klinken AG, is expanding their partnership with us and in future…
Everything for KLAS!
We’re getting closer and closer to the magic number 100 every year. This year, we scored 91.2 out of…
Vienna calling: See you at the ECR
There is one good thing about the coronavirus-induced congress shifting: this year, the European…
Data quality in research: Gold for one, poison for another
If anyone knows what quality data means, that is Prof. Dr. Carsten Oliver Schmidt. As the director…
The JiveX data trio: Digital, central, functional
Health institutions are not completely unprotected against the problem of bad data. They have…
"Best in KLAS“ - even from a distance
VISUS is once again given top marks by users. While access to many services was limited during the…
Knowledge gives you an A —for Academy
What was only so-so for homeschooling during lockdowns has been perfected by VISUS for its in-house…
JiveX Status Monitoring Know what's running (and what's not)
With JiveX Status Monitoring, IT departments always have an overview of all JiveX-associated…
JiveX Product Development: Something’s going on
In the software sector, transformation is the critical success factor. Systems that do not allow for…
Bundling expertise between the Ruhr and the Rhine
With about 8,000 employees worldwide, CompuGroup Medical (CGM) combines a vast wealth of know-how…