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Gesundheitscampus-Süd 15
44801 Bochum, Germany
FON +49 234 93693-0
FAX +49 234 93693-199
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VISUS IT Solutions AG
Fraumünsterstrasse 29
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
FON +41 44 552 24 80
FAX +41 44 552 24 83
JiveX DICOM Viewer
Beyond the actual diagnostic process there are situations where medical data need to be viewed, e.g. for research or educational purposes. Therefore VISUS offers the free-of-charge JiveX DICOM Viewer which can be downloaded for non-commercial use.
This free DICOM Viewer provides comparable functionality as the JiveX Review Client such as measuring tools, zoom, etc. The hanging protocols, which are less relevant outside the clinical setting, are not available.
Just as the full-scale viewer this free DICOM Viewer offers not only to review radiology images but also other types of medical data such as ECGs or information in pdf files – as long as the data to is available in DICOM format. Thus the DICOM Viewer provides all users with access to important information far beyond radiology.
Data can be loaded onto the Viewer from an internal folder or from external media such as CD, DVD or stick. Unlike the licensed Review Client the free DICOM Viewer cannot be linked to the PACS. Technical service is not included.