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Headquarter Germany

VISUS Health IT GmbH
Gesundheitscampus-Süd 15
44801 Bochum, Germany

FON +49 234 93693-0
FAX +49 234 93693-199


Directions: Link to road description


Headquarter Switzerland

VISUS IT Solutions AG
Fraumünsterstrasse 29
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland

FON +41 44 552 24 80
FAX +41 44 552 24 83



Corporate Code

We create highly functional software tools for healthcare.
We tap the potential of all medical data.
We organize VISUS as a community.

In this spirit, our Corporate Code is intended to help in achieving the corporate objectives as well as to maintain and expand the corporate culture. The Corporate Code has been developed by joint efforts within the company. It is applicable for the employees and at the same time is intended to provide partners and customers with information and support. In the Corporate Code, our employees define their binding conduct guidelines and basic rules for collaborative work for all individuals employed at VISUS or affiliated companies. These guidelines are intended to support the staff in complying with all legislative and industrial requirements (such as data protection obligations). All employes of the company are urged to comply with and adhere to the VISUS Corporate Code.

Social Responsibility as a Corporate Objective

VISUS identifies itself as part of society and as a company that feels obligated to the region. To be socially committed is part and parcel of the VISUS philosophy.


VISUS identifies itself as part of society and as a company that feels obligated to the region. To be socially committed is part and parcel of the VISUS philosophy. This encompasses Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Volunteering, collecting donations for non-profit organizations and charitable institutions as well as awarding contracts to such organizations. The procedures for establishing fixed action days or projects are bundled under the label GOFORFAIR and are described in detail in the CSR Strategy.

Green IT is an important concept for us with regard to selecting the entire range of equipment such that it is environmentally friendly and resource-conserving over its entire lifecycle, from purchase through use to disposal and recycling. Our employees are encouraged to act prudently so as not to squander resources unnecessarily. All procedures in the area of ecology can be found in the CSR Strategy. Projects for protection of the climate and environment are bundled and communicated under the label GOFORGREEN.


VISUS identifies itself as part of society and as a company that feels obligated to the region. To be socially committed is part and parcel of the VISUS philosophy. This encompasses Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Volunteering, collecting donations for non-profit organizations and charitable institutions as well as awarding contracts to such organizations. The procedures for establishing fixed action days or projects are bundled under the label GOFORFAIR and are described in detail in the CSR Strategy.


Green IT is an important concept for us with regard to selecting the entire range of equipment such that it is environmentally friendly and resource-conserving over its entire lifecycle, from purchase through use to disposal and recycling. Our employees are encouraged to act prudently so as not to squander resources unnecessarily. All procedures in the area of ecology can be found in the CSR Strategy. Projects for protection of the climate and environment are bundled and communicated under the label GOFORGREEN.

Compliance: Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency

Sven Lüttmann, VISUS expert for interoperability and standardization

VISUS defines itself through its ethical principles. Integrity, reliability and fairness are extremely important to VISUS in its relationships with customers, partners and employees. We are aware of our responsibility for complying with applicable law and legislative acts, and we respect these.

VISUS and its employees are committed to fairness in competition. This includes dealing fairly with customers, suppliers, competitors and partners. They will be treated just as we ourselves want to be treated.

Corporate Integrity

Uniform presentation to and communication with the outside world are important to VISUS. Internally cultivated virtues such as friendliness, respect and reliability are reflected in these efforts. We also intend to make our partners sensitive to such uniform presentation and communication and in this way to win their confidence.

VISUS service consulting

Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Consistent orientation toward customer needs as well as professional service has priority at VISUS. The quality of the services we provide is just as valuable an asset as the friendliness and reliability of our employees. The ability to reach VISUS is of great importance for the customers. It is therefore maintained at a high level, especially in terms of support and administration. Our aspiration is to provide the best service in Health IT.

DICOM servers were accessible without protection

Data Security and Protection

A special responsibility results from the handling of customer and if applicable patient data that are sensitive and particularly worthy of protection. Trust in the protection of personal data and observance of the legislative procedures are a fundamental basis for the VISUS Corporate Code. The employees are sensitized to the significance and consequences involved in data protection in all its facets. In this way, legislative and industrial rules are complied with. In addition, confidentiality and integrity are also guaranteed in communication with one another, with customers and with third parties.

Employees and Equal Opportunity

VISUS Mitarbeitende und Chancengleichheit

We live in a world that is steadily growing in the diversity of our lifestyles. We see this development as the opportunity to be able to live in an open society. People of different ethnic backgrounds, religions and ideologies, with and without disabilities, young and old, people of different sexual orientations, females, males, people living in intergender and transgender relationships all enrich modern society and thus also VISUS.