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VISUS Health IT GmbH
Gesundheitscampus-Süd 15
44801 Bochum, Germany
FON +49 234 93693-0
FAX +49 234 93693-199
Directions: Link to road description
VISUS IT Solutions AG
Fraumünsterstrasse 29
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
FON +41 44 552 24 80
FAX +41 44 552 24 83
JiveX Certified OEM Partners
JiveX Certified OEM Partners have licensed technology modules from the JiveX product family and integrated them into their own products. Our customers benefit from optimum system integration and the configuring of individual products to form a comprehensive package.
The partners operate JiveX or component solutions as OEM versions under their own names and provide their own service. If you are interested in acquiring a technology license, please do not hesitate to contact our sales department.