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VISUS Health IT GmbH
Gesundheitscampus-Süd 15
44801 Bochum, Germany
FON +49 234 93693-0
FAX +49 234 93693-199
Directions: Link to road description
VISUS IT Solutions AG
Fraumünsterstrasse 29
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
FON +41 44 552 24 80
FAX +41 44 552 24 83
JiveX Certified Sales Partner
In this area you can find your qualified and certified distribution partner for the JiveX products. Due to the intensive training for sales consultants and service engineers, each of our partners is able to assist you optimally on site and to guarantee continuous PACS services.
Based on their fundamental experience and our high-level training and support, these partners are able to realize individual system integration. Additionally, these partners have deep professional and technical know-how to set up complex imaging networks.