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VISUS Health IT GmbH
Gesundheitscampus-Süd 15
44801 Bochum, Germany
FON +49 234 93693-0
FAX +49 234 93693-199
Directions: Link to road description
VISUS IT Solutions AG
Fraumünsterstrasse 29
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
FON +41 44 552 24 80
FAX +41 44 552 24 83
JiveX Sales Partners
The African JiveX Sales Partner Network consists of partner companies who are responsible for the implementation and support of JiveX solutions as well as for the offer of IT systems around JiveX. If you are interested in the JiveX products, please contact our sales department or a suitable partner company in your area with the desired profile. Our sales team will also be happy to assist you personally in the selection of a suitable partner.