Showing and diagnosing radiological data
Medical Viewing
The JiveX Enterprise PACS optimizes the entire diagnostic process and ensures greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The focus is on reducing the radiologist's workload by optimizing the system's adaptation to daily routine workflows.

Here, the JiveX Viewer plays an important role as the visible part of the entire system. A key feature is the state-of-the-art and intuitive user interface, which allows users to familiarize themselves with JiveX within a very short time. From a user's point of view, the comprehensive hanging protocols are particularly useful, allowing radiological studies to be arranged on the monitor according to individual reporting habits.
In addition, the efficiently integrated post-processing routines, such as multiplanar reconstruction, 3D volume rendering or image registration, also facilitate the preparation of clinical findings. When communicating with clinical colleagues, the user is supported by automated and calendar-based demonstration solutions.