Archive RSS FeedPosts by date: 2018 / 6en, 26 Apr 2024 20:22:02 +0200You can cash in on data here!Thanks to incredible increases in the value of cryptocurrencies—in the case of Bitcoins, up to 1,000 percent— the underlying blockchain technology is now a familiar expression even to less tech-savvy people., 14 Jun 2018 11:54:00 +0200 basicsPut simply, blockchain technology generates a chain of transaction blocks. A transaction is, for example, a payment process from A to B. Each new block is assembled from the locked transaction data plus the cryptographic key of the previous block. That means that as soon as a single number in one of the locked transactions is changed, the blocks no longer go together., 14 Jun 2018 11:52:00 +0200 raw diamonds are turned into gemsA great deal is being said about data added value and that data is the treasure of healthcare institutions. So far, so good. Personally, I think of pure data more as raw diamonds., 08 Jun 2018 17:39:00 +0200 Orlando!This year's Annual Meeting of the AHRA (Association for Medical Imaging Management) will be held between July 22-25 in Orlando, Florida. The AHRA is the professional organization representing management at all levels of hospital imaging departments, freestanding imaging centers, and group practices., 04 Jun 2018 12:51:00 +0200