Uniform proposals from Europe
The more the medical care market is fragmented, the more important seamless exchange of medical information between institutions, sectors and stakeholders is becoming. And the more standardized processes around such data exchange are coming into focus. The challenges in this respect have already been long known, but satisfactory widespread implementation has unfortunately not yet been achieved. However, the reason does not lie in a lack of good suggestions and concepts.
Naturally Germany is also making advances in the networking of health facilities. Gematics performs the ordinary work, while the telematics infrastructure offers a good technological basis – albeit one being brought to life much too slowly and in small steps. An example: electronic imaging finding, which as a Medical Information Object (MIO) is supposed to ensure that findings described by text are incorporated into the ePA [electronic patent record] and are also considered in the process of image communication. In actual fact, these should have found their way into medical practice long ago. But until now, radiologists are still waiting for results. It is delays such as these that on the one hand prevent highly efficient care on a digital basis an on the other hand lead to frustration and discontent among the potential users.
Using guidelines and achieving speed
What must be acknowledged about the draft for electronic image finding as an MIO: It is oriented toward the requirements of the "Guideline for electronic exchange of health data according to cross-border Directive 2011/24/EU". What sounds awkward and hard to deal with is actually a truly successful template for uniform standardization of communication pathways in medicine on the basis of the guiding principle of interoperability. The guideline was formulated by the eHealth Network, which at the EU level constitutes a platform for the competent authorities of the member states involved in electronic health services. And these electronic health services are also addressed in the above Directive from 2011, which regulates the exercise of patient rights in cross-border healthcare within the EU.
The guideline of the eHealth-Network from 2022 is directed specifically at the member states of the European Union and applies primarily to implementation of cross-border electronic exchange of health data. However, and this is also anchored in the guideline, the guiding principles are also supposed to be a template for national developments and implementations, in order to permit the use of medical information for public health and for research. And that sounds like a good plan. After all: If regional and national exchange of data is built up on the principles of this guideline, the path to exchange at the European level (which is still in its infancy) has also already been smoothed.
Thus the guideline could be a good starting point for everyone who now wants to develop pragmatic and long-lasting solutions for the urgently needed digital data exchange in medicine. The deciding criterion for this: interoperability. Thus the guideline also states that it "is intended to support the member states in achieving a minimum degree of interoperability consistent with patient safety and data protection, by defining requirements for communication between their national contacts for electronic health services and interfaces between the national and European levels." And ultimately that's exactly what concerns everyone and what everyone is discussing.
You can download the entire guideline here.