Posts of category: Column
AI instead of HI? —The view from current practice
A frequently mentioned benefit of using AI in radiology is that AI increases the quality of…
ChatGPT in Medicine
Do I trust things like ChatGPT to be able to determine a diagnosis based on the symptoms I type in?…
ChatGPT in Medicine
Do I trust things like ChatGPT to be able to determine a diagnosis based on the symptoms I type in?…
Context! What we need is context!
The question of whether data are good, mediocre or bad is not only decided by whether they are…
Knowledge squared
As one of the founders and managing directors of VISUS Health IT GmbH, the last few months of the…
Of monoliths and modules
Experience has shown me that talking about IT platforms is no easy task, as again and again, the…
The major networking
Not all major projects announce themselves with a big bang. Some of them sneak in through the back…
Think big(ger)
In the past, standards played an essential role in the development of healthcare IT in general and…
Daring the Gap
Today I am conceptually taking you along to a – hopefully! – not too distant future. A future in…
Bridge-Building with Bits and Bytes
By reading our current story “Escape the Data Jungle”, you were able to discover ideas for fast and…