KLAS Award 2024: Together for success
In 2024, JiveX Enterprise PACS has again been voted the best PACS in category DACH and recognized by the KLAS Award. And once again this success is also the result of the excellent partnership between us and our users.
Because they are the ones who evaluate the PACS systems of well-known manufacturers and decide their score on the basis of detailed questioning by KLAS. The fact that we again landed on top of the rankings by a wide margin makes us mighty proud – and shows us that we are on the right track with our professional partnership-style approach. "A good PACS is teamwork, which begins with innovation management, proceeds through product management and product development to sales/distribution partners and service, and ultimately finds acceptance with the customers. It is only when everyone involved communicates and acts openly and face-to-face that we inspire true added values and create successful supply structures," declared Andreas Kaysler, General Manager at VISUS.
High scores in all categories
The special value of the KLAS Awards lies in the fact that product features are not the only thing they look at. Their benefits are difficult to compare across national borders in any case. Instead, KLAS systematically examines the big picture and pinpoints which added values an IT system brings to the radiological processes and to patient care. Specifically, the main efforts lie in anonymous inquiries about the areas of corporate culture, loyalty, operations, product, customer relations and added value.
"In total, we scored a good 86.9 out of 100 points. For this wonderful result, we thank the VISUS customers and quite expressly also our partner companies. The shared effort to promote our values on the international level also and to maintain our high standards of service, support and partnership."
Further information and access to the report can be found here.
About KLAS
KLAS Research has been producing product reports since 1996, rating particular healthcare IT products and product groups on the basis of user surveys. The KLAS Award is presented on the basis of the results. For IT specialists and decision-makers, the KLAS reports provide a comprehensive, honest, transparent and accurate market overview of particular products.