Everything for KLAS!
We’re getting closer and closer to the magic number 100 every year. This year, we scored 91.2 out of 100 possible points on the KLAS scale. This means that JiveX Enterprise PACS is back on track as one of the most sought-after and best-performing image data management systems. That’s how users see it – and that’s what matters most.
As in previous years, the KLAS team calculated these scores from random and anonymous customer surveys. The surveys covered topics such as overall corporate culture, customer loyalty, the product, the relationship between customers and the company, corporate values, and project management. Respondents awarded us an “A” grade in all categories – a truly exceptional achievement.
For more information and access to the report, click here.
First place despite strong competitors

“We’re so happy about the ‘Best in KLAS Award’ this year. We know that the competition we face year after year is truly fierce. So winning first place shouldn’t be taken for granted, even though it’s something we’re specifically working towards both in product development and in customer service.”
Dr. Michael Granseier
Head of PACS Development at VISUS

“When it comes to further development of the JiveX Enterprise PACS, our current focus is on the integration of AI solutions that help optimize results and processes in radiology departments. However, we’re not losing sight of our core functions and system performance. I think it’s this combination that appeals to our customers.”
Dr. Janine Stucke-Ring
PACS Product Manager at VISUS

“The customer service division is constantly in motion at VISUS, because there’s always something we can do better. It’s important to us to consider our customers’ wishes and concerns from a holistic perspective, on everything from initial project implementation to our support services and a wide range of customized training programs. That’s why we’ve also integrated internal structures to better reflect this holistic view in our day-to-day operations. Clearly quite successfully. We’re grateful to our customers for their trust and collaboration, which is still the greatest reward.”
Andreas Kaysler
Head of Services at VISUS
Information on KLAS
Since 1996, KLAS Research has been compiling product reports that evaluate specific products and product groups in the field of health IT by means of user surveys. The KLAS Award is presented based on the results of these surveys. For IT specialists and decision makers, the KLAS reports provide a comprehensive, honest, transparent, and accurate market overview for specific products.