Posts of category: Report

Spital Bülach - Radiologie


Completely satisfied

While searching for a new PACS, Dr. Ute Wagnetz met a radiology colleague who had absolutely no…

Krankenhaus in Tiflis


A Pioneer all of a Sudden

This sounds unusual, but it’s true: Any- one interested in future-oriented and efficient supply…

Agung Widyaningrat - IT-Manager im BaliMéd Hospital


Digital from zero to a hundred

It has only been a year since radiology images in the BaliMéd Hospital on the island of Bali,…

 Hôpital Saint-Joseph in Paris


The Cornerstones of Digitization

The goal at the Hôpital Saint-Joseph in Paris is to go completely digital. To reach that ambitious…

Entrance to the Albert Luthuli Hospital in Africa


JiveX HCM Implemented in South Africa

The Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Durban, South Africa, is paperless – and has been…

Rapport PACS avec perspective - JiveX à l'hôpital Agatharied


PACS with Prospects – JiveX at the Agatharied Hospital

The situation that Andreas Meier, Head of IT at the Agatharied Hospital in Hausham, inherited in…

GZO Spital Wetzikon


GZO Spital Wetzikon – the HCM sprinter

Grumbling users? Skeptical managers? Tough project management? None of these are familiar to Beat…

Rüdiger Kerkloh – Alexianer


JiveX Enterprise PACS at Alexianer

Clearly, the aim behind introducing a PACS is to install a system that optimizes modern radiology…

A docket from radprax


The pivot point for documents

Entirely paperless - aspirational, but not wholly possible. Even in otherwise digitized practices.…

One PACS for everything


One PACS for everything

In the past, the Diakonie Clinic in Stuttgart, Germany used a Linus-based PACS which, in the…