New presence for an excellent service

A visit to the VISUS website is always worth the effort – but particularly so these days. Because the spectrum of services has been more clearly structured for the users and the product line has been expanded. Now everything around the VISUS Service world is finding its well-earned place and the VISUS Academy as the central knowledge platform is occupying a prominent place on the website.


The announcement was clear and the goal boldly stated: VISUS wants to offer its clientele nothing less than the "best service in the healthcare-IT sector" – that was the joint announcement of the Services Division at the beginning of the year. That attainment of this goal is absolutely realistic has already been shown by the new distinction as the „Best in KLAS“ PACS in Europe for 2022. For the evaluation, the software users were asked about not only functionality but specifically also about service, cooperation and support. 

Excellent service: much more than a hotline

With the (self-) awareness of a class leader, the team is planning to identify further adjusting screws for optimization of the service efficiency and to turn them. In this context, it was decisive that service be considered as a comprehensive concept – not as a mere hotline. After all, service begins not with a user problem but instead with the start of a partnership. To be able to map it integrally and over all cycles, Service is subdivided into five topics: traditional support with the help desk team in Bochum, project management, management service, the Training & Education Department, which offers the VISUS ACADEMY, and the consulting service. This subdivision is not represented in 1:1 relationship on the website. Instead, the search tendencies of the users are taken into account. 

Together toward the VISUS service promise

To identify any weaknesses, the service team examined the question, critically and through the glasses of the VISUS customers, of which processes are running well and which can be optimized. The result is reflected in the VISUS service promise, that the staff have developed together through the vehicle of workshops. The cornerstones of this promise are personal contact, willingness to help, mutual appreciation as well as competence and quickness. Specifically, this means, for example, that chatboxes or automatic announcements in the help desk team are absolutely tabu – VISUS customers will always be able to deal with a personal contact person in Bochum. The feedback and error culture also will be more open and transparent, feedback from the clientele will be appreciated, taken seriously and included in the service processes. Every effort will be made to avoid long waiting times; problems will be processed as quickly as the best solution permits. Should processing ever take longer, however, detailed information will be communicated.

A further credo of VISUS is the high demands placed on qualification of the staff in Support – and specifically across all topics. Excellent technical expertise is the basis for being able to answer questions quickly – if possible as early as the first discussion. Should any topic be more complex, the physical proximity between Help Desk, Product Management and Development ensures rapid approaches to solutions.

VISUS Professional Services

Useful stress relief packages: VISUS Professional Services

Based on the effort to ensure that questions about of restrictions of the software do not even arise, VISUS Professional Services have been strategically realigned in the past months. Here is where so-called Managed-Service procedures are bundled. These are services that reduce the workload of the technical personnel in facilities by outsourcing service and maintenance tasks. For example, by JiveX status monitoring. This is a "traffic light" system application, which provides an early indication of whether problems with JiveX or an associated system are incipient – and also which. For example, whether the archive memory is close to becoming filled up. By timely warnings, the staff in IT departments can have the memory capacity increased and avert the danger of suffering a data loss.

However, status monitoring is only the first stage of the stress-relief package. In the XXL version of Managed Service, VISUS takes over the entire technical operating control around JiveX and the components and interfaces needed for operation of the software. This also means that updates are automatically loaded and a Galera cluster high-availability solution, as an additional expansion stage, continuously monitors and assures the operating capability. 

A further building block of Professional Service is one that makes available technical know-how and operating documents that go beyond the mere product description. In the so-called JiveX Compendium, it is intended that technicians will be able to have access to information, with which they can align JiveX specifically and to Best Practices and embed it in their IT architecture. 


Good to know: VISUS ACADEMY

The beloved VISUS ACADEMY also belongs to the Services Division, where ultimately the best can be retrieved from JiveX and questions about the product and its use can be answered quickly and meticulously. The VISUS ACADEMY keeps contents ready for alle JiveX products in in different formats – from texts to webinars – and makes them available for different scenarios as a supplement to regular product training, as follow-up for upgrades or even as an information source for direct access from the system. Incidentally, the VISUS ACADEMY is based on the Blended-Learning-approach, which consciously integrates different methods and media, in order to impart and embed knowledge simply but durably.